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1 March 2003 Labile Phosphorus in Soils of Forest Fallows and Primary Forest in the Bragantina Region, Brazil
Jacqueline Frizano, David R. Vann, Arthur H. Johnson, Christine M. Johnson, Ima C. G. Vieira, Daniel J. Zarin
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We used the Hedley sequential extraction procedure to measure nine different organic and inorganic soil phosphorus fractions in forest soils of the Bragantina region of Para, Brazil. We compared the labile fractions (resin-extractable P HCO3-extractable inorganic and organic P) in Oxisols from three secondary forests (10, 20, and 40 years old) and a primary forest. These stands were located in an area that has supported shifting agriculture for approximately a century. After agricultural use, total P and labile P in soils of young secondary forests are diminished compared to the amounts present in the primary forest soil. Within each stand, organic carbon content was a good predictor of labile organic and inorganic P, consistent with the large body of research indicating that mineralization of organic matter is important to plant nutrition in tropical ecosystems. During the reorganization of P pools during forest development, the pool of labile organic P (HCO3-extractable) diminishes more than the other labile fractions, suggesting that it is directly or indirectly an important source of P for the regrowing forest vegetation. Across the four age classes of forest, the soil reservoir of labile P was equal to or greater than the total amount of P in the vegetation. If labile P measured by this method adequately represents P available to plants in the short term (as suggested by the current consensus), we would conclude that plant-available P is reasonably abundant, and that the effects of agriculture on available P pools are detectable but not sufficient to compromise forest regrowth in this area.

Jacqueline Frizano, David R. Vann, Arthur H. Johnson, Christine M. Johnson, Ima C. G. Vieira, and Daniel J. Zarin "Labile Phosphorus in Soils of Forest Fallows and Primary Forest in the Bragantina Region, Brazil," BIOTROPICA 35(1), 2-11, (1 March 2003).[0002:LPISOF]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2003

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Brazilian forests
forest chronosequence
organic phosphorus
phosphorus fractionation
shifting agriculture
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